hẹn hò - Thuỷ -Lady -Age:34 - Single-TP Hồ Chí Minh-Lover - Best dating website, dating with vietnamese person, finding girlfriend, boyfriend.
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Id 587335
Domicile TP Hồ Chí Minh - Vietnam
Information Lady - Single - 34 tuổi - Cao 160 cm - Nặng 45 kg - University
Objective Lover
Introduce yourself Well, about me? ...sometimes feel like I’m an amateur everything. I read, I cook, play music. I love traveling, trekking, hiking. Try to exercise whenever I have time. I’m always looking to try new things and learn new things but I never really master everything.
I like travel and explore the nature, on Top of the mountain I feel I’m very tiny on this world. Nature is a miaracle and I’m blessed to be born and enjoy the wonderful life.
I don’t like Malaysian foods, allergic with alcohol.
I don’t smoke and don’t like smoke
Find Person Looking for someone to spend time with. Perhaps just simply enjoy a cup of coffee together and watching life moving or listening to each other, sharing happiness also difficulties. Sometimes would run away from the noise of city to enjoy fresh air on some country side.
Joined Date 31/12/2018 14:12:10
Login 29/12/2019 23:19:23
Edit 03/01/2019 20:58:14

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