hẹn hò - Aleksandr-Male -Age:31 - Single-Đà Nẵng-Lover - Best dating website, dating with vietnamese person, finding girlfriend, boyfriend.
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Id 801806
Domicile Đà Nẵng - Vietnam
Information Male - Single - 31 tuổi - Cao 177 cm - Nặng 72 kg - High School
Objective Lover
Introduce yourself Geshtalt psychologist. I've been living abroad for the last year and a half. Just moved to Da Nang from India for an indefinite but long term stay. I read a lot, sport is part of my life. Not married and never have been. It’s interesting to meet people who will help you explore the city and make friends👐
Anyone who needs me as a specialist is well come (please write about this in the first message).🙏
Find Person It’s interesting to meet people who will help you explore the city and make friends👐
Anyone who needs me as a specialist is well come (please write about this in the first message).🙏
Joined Date 31/03/2024 00:09:00
Login 31/03/2024 00:12:31
Edit 31/03/2024 00:12:31

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