Tô Anh Tú
hẹn hò - Tô Anh Tú-Lady -Age:23 - Single-TP Hồ Chí Minh-Confidential Friend - Best dating website, dating with vietnamese person, finding girlfriend, boyfriend.
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Id 580703
Domicile TP Hồ Chí Minh - Vietnam
Information Lady - Single - 23 tuổi - Cao 158 cm - Nặng 62 kg - University
Objective Confidential Friend
Introduce yourself March 24th 1996
Aries - Pisces
Bold but soft.
Tender, and wild
Creative and energetic
Love to play, and study hard
Job: compose music, write poems, open workshop about Music.
Study: Music, Astronomy, Buddism.
Love: Music, Nature, Animals and Art in general.
Minus points: Low tech
Hate: Economics, law, politics
Raise a big fat white 4 year-old cat.
Find Person Need to find a companion, who understands me, who can listen to whatever i say and talk to me like a nonstop machine :))
Need to find a partner, whoever men or women, who are super elegant, super sweet, super sensitive, and super romantic and super dreamy.
Need to find a friend who shares commons with me. Love creativity, imagination, art.
I would be very very very joyful if your major is related to art. You can work as a barber, florist, musician, artist, chief, or some handcrafted job like embroidery, sewing, knitting.
Also, I would feel very comfortable with whom whose hobby is travelling, taking pictures, speaking various languages.
Joined Date 26/11/2018 10:51:09
Login 26/11/2018 10:52:40
Edit 26/11/2018 10:52:40

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